(10/02/2020) | Thư Viện Dịch

Bản dịch mẫu hợp đồng lao động tiếng Anh





ABC company


Independence – Freedom – Happiness








We, A party: Nguyen Van A

Nationality: Vietnamese

Position: Director

Represented for:




And other Party:

Nationality: Vietnamese

Born on

Occupation: Market Development Specialist

Permanent address:

I.D No.:

Labor book (if any):


Both Parties agreed to sign this Labor Contract and committed to comply with the following terms and conditions:


Article 1. Term and content of the labor contract

– Type of the labor contract: 1 year

– From 09/10/2012 to 09/10/2013

– Probation time from 10/10/2012 – 10/03/2013

– Place of work:

– Job title: European Market Development Specialist

Position: Deputy Head of Business Department

– Duties:

– Manage the operation of direct sales staff in the undertaking area;

– Prepare, distribute plans developing system for direct sales staff;

– Monitor the implementation of the plan and coordinate with the business department to analyze and promote proposals for progress;

– Implement the business programs through agents, monitor activities of specializing agents in the area.

– Propose methods to develop new customers

– Develop sales and marketing plans in the area of management;

– Gather market information to propose and organize marketing strategies to major customers.

– Research methods to accomplish assigned targets;

– Support, training and provide professional guidance, encourage and motivate direct sales staff;

– Follow-up and support the system of agents; make report about market situation;

– Survey the area and agents to support equipment of materials to agents;

– Implement the action plans and direct sales programs to direct sales staff to enhance corporate image and sell products;

– Monitor situation of the system of agents; develop and support the system of outlets and traditional agents;


Article 2: Working regime

– Working hours: From 08 a.m to 5 p.m daily

– Equipped working equipment including: Logo, corporate uniforms


Article 3: Obligations and benefits of employee


1. Benefits:


– Vehicles: By yourself

– Main salary or wage: 9,000,000 (nine million dong)

– Method of payment: Directly through the administrative office

– The allowance consists of: None

– To be paid on the 10th to the 15th of each month.

– Bonus: Depending on the extent of work

Salary increase regime: According to the contract term

– Equipped labor protection tools, including: Corporate uniforms

– Resting regime: According to regulations of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

– Social insurance and Health Insurance: After the probation period

– Training regime: Are entitled under the Company’s regime

Other agreements:

– Willing to go on business abroad when required

– Do not work for the company with same functionality in any way


2. Obligations:


– Complete works committed in the contract;

– Abide by the regulations in managing production and business, labor and labor safe disciplines…

– Compensate for violation and materials


Article 4: Obligations and benefits of the employer


1. Obligations:


– Ensure employment and implement of commitments made in the labor contract.

– Pay full and on time all regimes and benefits for the employee under the labor contract and the collective labor agreement.


2. Right:

– The employer shall have the right to transfer employees to the new location under the condition of business.

-Suspend or terminate the labor contract, discipline the employee as prescribed by the law, collective labor agreement and labor rules of the company.


Article 5: Implementing provisions


– Labor issues not listed in this labor contract shall be governed by the provisions of the collective agreement, or apply the provisions of the labor law.

-The labor contract is prepared in 02 copies with the same legal value; each party keeps 01 copy and take effect from 10/10/2012. When both parties sign an appendix of the labor contract, contents of the appendix have the same value as the contents of the labor contract.


This contract is prepared at Hanoi on 10/10/2012



For employee


Name and full name


For employer

(Signed and sealed)

Name and full name





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